在CordovaActivity中的onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)中,会调用loadConfig()方法,loadConfig方法代码如下:
protected void loadConfig() { ConfigXmlParser parser = new ConfigXmlParser(); parser.parse(this); preferences = parser.getPreferences(); preferences.setPreferencesBundle(getIntent().getExtras()); // launchUrl = parser.getLaunchUrl(); mUrl = parser.getLaunchUrl(); pluginEntries = parser.getPluginEntries(); Config.parser = parser; }
使用ConfigXmlParser类来解析/res/xml/config.xml文件( parser.parse(this) )。在ConfigXmlParser类中,分别解析出插件的名称、全路径类名、是否立即加载等属性,通过:
public void handleEndTag(XmlPullParser xml) { String strNode = xml.getName(); if (strNode.equals("feature")) { pluginEntries.add(new PluginEntry(service, pluginClass, onload)); service = ""; pluginClass = ""; insideFeature = false; onload = false; } }
public ArrayList<PluginEntry> getPluginEntries() { return pluginEntries; }
public void loadUrl(String url) { if (appView == null) { init(); } // If keepRunning this.keepRunning = preferences.getBoolean("KeepRunning", true); appView.loadUrlIntoView(url, true); }
protected void init() { appView = makeWebView(); createViews(); if (!appView.isInitialized()) { appView.init(cordovaInterface, pluginEntries, preferences); } cordovaInterface.onCordovaInit(appView.getPluginManager()); // Wire the hardware volume controls to control media if desired. String volumePref = preferences.getString("DefaultVolumeStream", ""); if ("media".equals(volumePref.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) { setVolumeControlStream(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); } }
在init()方法中创建CordovaWebView,同时,调用CordovaWebView的init方法,将插件信息传入。CordovaWebView是一个接口,在CordovaWebView的实现类CordovaWebViewImpl的init(CordovaInterface cordova, List
//.................................................................... pluginManager = new PluginManager(this, this.cordova, pluginEntries); //....................................................................
public PluginManager(CordovaWebView cordovaWebView, CordovaInterface cordova, Collection<PluginEntry> pluginEntries) { this.ctx = cordova; = cordovaWebView; setPluginEntries(pluginEntries); }
public void setPluginEntries(Collection<PluginEntry> pluginEntries) { if (isInitialized) { this.onPause(false); this.onDestroy(); pluginMap.clear(); entryMap.clear(); } for (PluginEntry entry : pluginEntries) { addService(entry); } if (isInitialized) { startupPlugins(); } }
/** * Add a plugin class that implements a service to the service entry table. * This does not create the plugin object instance. * * @param entry The plugin entry */ public void addService(PluginEntry entry) { this.entryMap.put(entry.service, entry); if (entry.plugin != null) { entry.plugin.privateInitialize(entry.service, ctx, app, app.getPreferences()); pluginMap.put(entry.service, entry.plugin); } }
<feature name="NFCPlugin"> <param name="android-package" value="com.cmbc.firefly.nfc.NFCPlugin" /> </feature>
@Override public void init(CordovaInterface cordova, List<PluginEntry> pluginEntries, CordovaPreferences preferences) { if (this.cordova != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } this.cordova = cordova; this.preferences = preferences; mActivity = cordova.getActivity(); mFragment = (BaseCordovaFragment) cordova.getFragment(); //实例化PluginManager pluginManager = new PluginManager(this, this.cordova, pluginEntries); resourceApi = new CordovaResourceApi(engine.getView().getContext(), pluginManager); nativeToJsMessageQueue = new NativeToJsMessageQueue(); nativeToJsMessageQueue.addBridgeMode(new NativeToJsMessageQueue.NoOpBridgeMode()); nativeToJsMessageQueue.addBridgeMode(new NativeToJsMessageQueue.LoadUrlBridgeMode(engine, cordova)); if (preferences.getBoolean("DisallowOverscroll", false)) { engine.getView().setOverScrollMode(View.OVER_SCROLL_NEVER); } engine.init(this, cordova, engineClient, resourceApi, pluginManager, nativeToJsMessageQueue); // This isn't enforced by the compiler, so assert here. assert engine.getView() instanceof CordovaWebViewEngine.EngineView; pluginManager.addService(CoreAndroid.PLUGIN_NAME, "org.apache.cordova.CoreAndroid"); pluginManager.init(); }
/** * Create plugins objects that have onload set. */ private void startupPlugins() { for (PluginEntry entry : entryMap.values()) { // Add a null entry to for each non-startup plugin to avoid // ConcurrentModificationException // When iterating plugins. if (entry.onload) { getPlugin(entry.service); } else { pluginMap.put(entry.service, null); } } }
/** * Get the plugin object that implements the service. * If the plugin object does not already exist, then create it. * If the service doesn't exist, then return null. * * @param service The name of the service. * @return CordovaPlugin or null */ public CordovaPlugin getPlugin(String service) { CordovaPlugin ret = pluginMap.get(service); if (ret == null) { PluginEntry pe = entryMap.get(service); if (pe == null) { return null; } if (pe.plugin != null) { ret = pe.plugin; } else { ret = instantiatePlugin(pe.pluginClass); } ret.privateInitialize(service, ctx, app, app.getPreferences()); pluginMap.put(service, ret); } return ret; }
/** * Call this after constructing to initialize the plugin. * Final because we want to be able to change args without breaking plugins. */ public final void privateInitialize(String serviceName, CordovaInterface cordova, CordovaWebView webView, CordovaPreferences preferences) { assert this.cordova == null; this.serviceName = serviceName; this.cordova = cordova; this.webView = webView; this.preferences = preferences; initialize(cordova, webView); pluginInitialize(); }
在privateInitialize的方法最后,会调用initialize方法和pluginInitialize方法,用户自定义CordovaPlugin时,可以复写这两个方法完成一些插件的初始化操作。 此时,完成了整个插件的初始化过程。